1. Group/Organization Information
* Organization NameProvide the name of the organization or the group/individual organizing the event.
Organization Address Provide the complete address of the organization/group/individual organizing the event.
* Name of Event Contact PersonProvide the first and last name of the Event Contact Person.
* Primary Phone NumberProvide the primary phone number for the Event Contact Person.
Secondary Phone Number (cell phone) Provide the cell phone number of the Event Contact Person (if not already provided above).
* Email AddressProvide the email address of the Event Contact Person.
2. Event Information
* Event NameProvide the official name of the event.
* Estimated AttendanceProvide the estimated attendance number for the requested event.
* Event Start Date and TimeProvide the preferred start date of the event and indicate what time the event will start (do not include setup time).
* Event End Date and TimeProvide the preferred end date of the event and indicate what time the event will end (do not include takedown time).
Arrival Time Provide the estimated time that the Event Contact Person or Organization will arrive for setup.
Departure Time Provide the estimated time that the Event Contact Person or Organization will leave after takedown.
Additional Access Indicate any additional access to the event space the Event Contact Person or Organization requests prior to or after the times indicated above.
Are the event date(s) and times flexible? Indicate YES/NO if the dates and times above are flexible. If YES, provide ideal date-range/time-frame for event.
Proposed Event Space/Venue Indicate any USU event venues or spaces specifically being requested for the event. Event Services Coordinators are happy to help find the perfect space based on availability and the event needs.
3. Additional Event Services
Audiovisual, Tech, and Equipment Provide audiovisual, tech, or equipment needs for the requested event.
Number of Rooms/Beds If applicable, provide the anticipated number of rooms needed (if hotel) or the number of beds needed (if residence halls).
Check-in Date for Lodging If applicable, indicate the check-in date and time for the lodging needs.
Check-out Date for Lodging If applicable, indicate the check-out date and time for the lodging needs.