USU Youth Program Administrators
Each of the following requirements must be met prior to the start of the USU covered program and are subject to audit by USU Risk Management. The program administrator is responsible to ensure all youth protection requirements are met and that all records pertaining to the program’s compliance are maintained.
The information provided here is a basic outline of the policy requirements.
Develop Risk Management Plan
All covered programs must submit a risk management plan to USU Risk Management through Service Now. Risk management plans must have approval from USU Risk Management before the Sponsoring Department may advertise or enroll participants in the covered program.
Elements of the Risk Management Plan
- Program information - name, date(s), participant age range, estimated attendance, program purpose, goals, objectives, registration/payment information, agenda, logistics, day/overnight accommodations)
- Communication plan - In the event of an emergency, each program should have in place a communication plan regarding notification of participant's parent/legal guardian. Program administrator's have the responsibility to provide designated individuals with contact information for parent/legal gauardian of participants in the event of and emergency; ensure the parents/legal guardians are provided with contact information to reach the participant while the program is in session.
- Medical emergency plan - The Program Administrator must obtain from each of the participant's parents/legal guardians the folowing
- Authorization to permit transportation of the participant to a local hospital as deemed necessary in an emergency
- Authorization for emergency medical treatment in the event the parent/legal guardian or their designated evergency contact is not avialable
- disclosure of any allergies, other medical conditions, or physical limitations of a participant that may impact his or her participation in the program
- Supervision plan - Each program must establish a plan for adequate supervision in regards to the number and average age of participants, the program activity, and whether overnight accommmodations are part of the program. The supervision plan for any overnight program must also include specific curfews, rules pertaining to visitors, and no unsupervised free time. Refer to the table below for the minimum program participants to authorized adult ratio.
Child to Adult Ratio
Age Range | # of Adults | # of Children | Overnight Children |
0-5 years | 1 | 6 | 5 |
6-8 years | 1 | 8 | 6 |
9-14 years | 1 | 10 | 8 |
15-18 years | 1 | 12 | 10 |
- Transportation plan - It is recommended that each program establish a procedure for pick-up and drop-off of participants, specifying times and locations, and assure that no camper will be released to any person other than his or her parent/legal guardian without specific written authorization. Additionally any program which provides for transportaion of participants by designated indivduals after drop-off by parent/leagal guardian to the campus or other site. must be included in the Risk Management Plan and approved by the sponsoring department and Risk Management.
Background Checks for Employees and Volunteers
Authorized Adults are required to have a background check. The background check can be done through any vendor of your choice but must meet standards approved by the University, which shall include utilizing both a national criminal history database and sex offender registry database.
Fingerprinting Services
The USU Police Department works with the Utah Bureau of Identification to provide Live Scan fingerprinting. If you choose the Live Scan option, your fingerprints will be processed faster than if you mail in fingerprint cards.
Training for Employees and Volunteers
Any adults working with minors are required to receive training on the protection of minors, Code of Conduct, and reporting obligations before they begin work for a Covered Program. Additionally, adults employees and volunteers must complete USU sexual harassment prevention and driver's training.
Signed Code of Conduct by Authorized Adults
A written document (policy) that defines which behaviors by the following groups of people are prohibited. This code should be signed by the individual and know that any violation can result in discipline up to and including termination.
- All employees
- Contractors
- Volunteers
- Anyone who comes in contract with children
Submit Information from Steps 1-4 in Service Now for Approval
Program information
- Program name
- Program administrator name and information
- Start/end date
- Participant age range
- Estimated attendance
- Program description (i.e.,purpose, goals, objectives, registration/payment method, agenda)
Risk management plan
- COVID-19 Public Gathering Request - risk mitigation plan (i.e., face coverings, social distancing, hygiene and sanitation, signage, food service and/or meals, attendance tracking, staff/volunteer protection, symptom monitoring, contingency plans)
- Communication plan
- Medical emergency plan
- Supervision plan
- Transportation plan
- List of program adminstrators, staff, and/or volunteers to become authorized adults
- Background check
- Minors training
- Sexual harassment prevention training
- Driver's training
List of program administrators, staff, and/or volunteers to become authorized adults
- Background check
- Minors training
- Sexual harassment prevention training
- Driver's training
Schedule Youth Programs/Events through Event Reservations
Each Utah State University academic and administrative unit sponsoring a program in which minors participate, whether located on or off campus, is required to schedule such program through EMS online scheduling no later than ninety (90) days prior to the commencement date of the program.
If you are not directly working for the University, then call the Event Reservations Office to book your youth program at 435-797-0423.
When scheduling your program, you will be asked to complete the following information:
- Program name
- Program dates
- Sponsoring department
- Program administrator name (e.g., Camp Director, Conference Chair)
- Program administrator contact information
- Program registration and approval by Risk Management
Receive Department and University Approval
The program administrator may move forward with advertising and registration for the youth program once approval has been given.
Upload all Participant Waivers to Service Now
Collect and maintain file of signed liability waivers for all youth participants in Service Now.
Upload Incident Reports to Service Now
Log all incident-injury and property loss reports associated with the youth program in Service Now.
Close Youth Program
Contact Us
Utah State University Risk Management
Phone: 435-797-1951
Mailing Address:
6600 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322